Stella Sylaiou | digital museologist, MSc, MA, PhD – personal website

Stella Sylaiou

About me

Dr. Stella Sylaiou is an assistant professor at the Department of Surveying Engineering and Geoinformatics of the International Hellenic University. She is an experienced researcher in the field of digital humanities. Her innovative and interdisciplinary work is widely referenced. She has done extensive research on experimental museology and digital heritage, with an emphasis on virtual museums. She is an expert in designing, applying, and evaluating digital solutions for cultural environments, working at the forefront of virtual experiences since 2003. Moreover, she investigates the impact of emerging technologies on cultural industries as well as on meaning-making and learning in museums and galleries.

She publishes her research regularly, participates in numerous national and international research projects and boards, and provides consultancy to the private and public sectors. Moreover, she serves as an expert evaluator and reviewer of research proposals for the European Commission, the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT), and other bodies.

In the past twelve years, she has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses on a wide range of subjects: Museum Education, Cultural Informatics, Museology, Cultural Communication, Cultural Policy, and Management at Universities in Greece, and Cyprus.

Her background is in Humanities (BSc. History, Archaeology, and History of Art at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/ AUTh, Greece). She has an M.Sc. in Archaeological Computing (University of Southampton, UK), an MA in Museology (AUTh), and a Ph.D. in Virtual Museums and the promotion of arts and culture with new technologies from the Inter-departmental Postgraduate Programme, Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments (AUTh), partially funded by the Marie Curie Scholarship for the Transfer of Knowledge in the Graduate Centre of the School of Science and Technology (Centre of VLSI and Computer Graphics, University of Sussex, UK).

She has delivered twenty-eight papers in scientific journals, fifty papers at peer-reviewed conferences, and ten book chapters. She was a guest editor for five special thematic issues in international journals. She has a long experience as a member of scientific and organising committees of conferences and scientific working groups.


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Current research projects

  • FIREFLY – Fostering vIrtual heRitage Experience For eLderlY, ΕΛΙΔΕΚ-Ελληνικό Ίδρυμα Έρευνας και Καινοτομίας.

Latest publications

  1. Stylianidis E. & Sylaiou S. (Eds) (2023). Documentation and Promotion of Culture. Thessaloniki: Tziolas Editions. ΙSBN: 978-960-418-494-1 [in Greek].